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The Who Eminence Front Download: Learn the Lyrics and Meaning of the Song

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The Who Eminence Front Download

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In the originally released version, there is a timing flaw or a syncopation in the first chorus, where Townshend sings "behind an eminence front" at the same time Daltrey sings "it's an eminence front", with Townshend one syllable behind. A more linear-sounding remixed version appears on the 1997 re-release of It's Hard (a live version, recorded on the band's final stop on their 1982 tour in Toronto, appears as a bonus track on the re-release). Additionally, the remix has Townshend's vocals panned centrally rather than hard right in the stereo field. The lyrics are often misunderstood by the listener.

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The increased length and the relatively slight density of the shadowindicate the bullet to be some distance from the plate. The casehistory places the wound in the right thigh, and the posterior surfaceof the leg lay next to the photographic plate. As the density of theshadow is not greater than the thickest portion of the bone, thebullet probably lies in front of the border of the outer tuberosity ofthe femur.

Convalescence was finally established and the frontal-sinus woundpractically closed when, without any subjective symptoms, anobstruction was objectively determined in the left posterior nares,suggesting the radiograph.

The fragments have been removed. The particles of metal which mark thepath of the ball lie in front of the acromion process of the scapula,because lack of density and indistinct outline of the shadows showthem to be farther from the photographic plate than the spine of thescapula which rested on the plate, escaping the imminent danger ofwounding the subclavian vessels.

The course of the missile has been from without inward. The fragmentsof metal marking the path of the missile lie farther from the plate onthe outer than on the inner side. This would indicate the former to bein front of the bone and the latter to be behind. The wound could havebeen caused by either a deformed rifle bullet or by a shrapnel ball,but the distribution of metallic fragments along the track of themissile rather indicates the agent to have been a shrapnel ball.

The olecranon process of the right ulna rests on the photographicplate, with the forearm in semipronation, so that the shadow of theradius falls nearly in line with that of the ulna. With the forearmrestored to the anatomical position, the spattered metallic fragments,now seen lying over and to the left of the radius, would then be shownlying on the outer border of and posterior to the radius, except forthe upper right metallic fragment, now lying over the ulna, whichwould be seen lying over the anterior surface of the radius. The sixpellets seen in the lower forearm have not contributed to the injuryof the bone. Their density and indefinite outline indicate a positionin the forearm opposite to the side next to the plate. With theforearm in supination they would appear in their real position, infront of the ulna and on the outside of the radius.[Pg 216]

The hand lies with its ulnar side next to the plate, as is indicatedby the sharp outline of the swollen hypothenar eminence, nearer theplate than the thumb, with the enlarged, poorly defined, and rarefiedshadow of its metacarpal and phalanges.

The hand lay with the palmar surface next to the plate. The distinctoutline of the small metal fragments and the natural size of theshadow of the undeformed shrapnel ball show that they lay on theanterior side of the metacarpus. The arrangements of the metalparticles and bone fragments and the indication of the point ofentrance of one wound on the outer border of the metacarpal of thethumb indicate the course of the balls to have been from the radialto the ulna side of the palm. The undeformed ball, then, lies, mostprobably, in front of the second metacarpal. The deformed ball shows,in its enlarged shadow and not so distinct in outline as the normalball, that it is on the dorsal surface of the third and fourth metacarpals.

As the sacrum was next to the photographic plate, the missile, judgingfrom its indistinct shadow, lies farther from the plate and in frontof the bone. The relative distinctness of the large fragment seen onthe wing of the ilium indicates its probable position to be on theoutside of the ilium.

The position of the femur is in outward rotation, as shown by thefull shadow of the lesser trochanter and the vanishing of the greatertrochanter behind the shoulder of the neck. The two larger missileslie on the outer side of the bone and the others lie in front on theseat of fracture. The greatly deformed shrapnel balls and the slightchipping fracture of the femur indicate that the greater portion ofthe striking energy of the missiles was so dissipated in ricochet thatbut little force was left for attack on the bone.

As the shadow of the ball is dense and not much enlarged, it must lienear the plate. A light shadow in front of the ball, which shows theanterior crucial ligament, and a metallic marking above the patella,suggests the path of the ball.

The enlarged and only fair density of the shadow indicates that theshrapnel ball lies some distance away from the plate. As the bone isnot injured, the missile must lie either in front of or behind thefemur, and its enlarged shadow shows the position to be in front ofthe femur, just above the articular surface, and probably within thereflection of the capsular ligament.

A comparison with the size of the shadows of the balls shown in plates128 and 130 will show thisone to be greater than the former and less than the latter, and soit must bear about the same relation in the distance from the plate.This would account for the location in front instead of behind the femur.

The posterior surface of the leg lay next to the plate, as shown bythe outline of the head of the fibula, but any estimate of distancefrom the plate, based on depth of the shadows, is of little valuebecause there is no contrast between localizing-wire shadows in frontof and behind the leg.

The fragments of a shrapnel ball, spattered on a near-by object,struck the leg in front over a wide area, as indicated by thefragments lying over the tibia and smaller ones lying on the inside ofthe bone. The larger metal fragment, on the fibula, is some distancefrom the plate, and probably lies in front of the bone, while thesmaller ones, seen in sharper outline, lie behind.[Pg 298]

By comparison of the shadows of the missiles with the shadows of theportion of the localizing wire lying nearer the plate (shown moredeeply and distinctly), and with the portion lying in front of theleg, it can be concluded that the fragments lie superficially in frontof the bones.

The course of the ball, therefore, was from without, ranging inwardand upward with the slight energy of long (shrapnel) range. The balllies on the fibular side superficially, just in front of the fibula.[Pg 302]

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