Set in the darker, supernatural side of the Marvel Universe, Marvel's Midnight Suns is a tactical RPG from the creators of XCOM. As the Hunter, a legendary demon slayer with a mysterious past, you'll lead a team of legendary Marvel heroes as they attempt to stop the Mother of Demons from completing an ancient prophecy and summoning her evil master, Chthon.
The Midnight Suns are an unlikely team of seasoned Super Heroes and dangerous supernatural warriors from across the Marvel Universe that were forced to unite in opposition to Lilith, Mother of Demons.
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Set in the darker, supernatural side of the Marvel Universe, Marvel's Midnight Suns is a tactical RPG from the creators of XCOM. As the Hunter, a legendary demon slayer with a mysterious past, you'll lead a team of legendary Marvel heroes as they attempt to stop the Mother of Demons from completing an ancient prophecy and summoning her evil master, Chthon.\\n\\n
The Midnight Suns are an unlikely team of seasoned Super Heroes and dangerous supernatural warriors from across the Marvel Universe that were forced to unite in opposition to Lilith, Mother of Demons.\\r
Aside from his superhuman healing factor, Deadpool is known for being unstable and unpredictable, loving Mexican food, and frequently breaking the fourth wall with an endless supply of witty banter. Deadpool is fully aware that he's a fictional character, and successfully campaigned to join the Midnight Suns on social media by promising everything from katana skills and ninja reflexes to zany quips and a mean pancake recipe.
Set in the darker, supernatural side of the Marvel Universe, Marvel's Midnight Suns is a tactical role-playing game that blends rich storytelling and relationship building with a revolutionary card-based combat system. As the Hunter, the only hero ever to have defeated Lilith eons ago, you get to fight alongside and forge friendships with Blade, Doctor Strange, Nico Minoru, and Spider-Man, as well as other members of The Avengers, X-Men, and Runaways.
Eric Brooks, better known as Blade to his friends and foes alike, is a half-human, half-vampire hybrid. He has the same superhuman strength, stamina, and senses as the vampires he dedicates his life to hunting, but doesn't share their vulnerability to sunlight. In Marvel's Midnight Suns, Blade trains other heroes for combat in the Yard outside the Abbey, and is a powerful damage-dealer during Tactical Missions. In our latest Prequel Short, we're excited to show you how Blade deals with fang-heads, as well as how he was recruited to the Midnight Suns by Caretaker.
"In Marvel's Midnight Suns, we knew we had a really cool opportunity to dive deep into the dark side of Marvel and introduce some supernatural heroes that may be new to many Marvel fans," said Jake Solomon, creative director at Firaxis Games. "Marvel's Midnight Suns Prequel Shorts shed light on the events leading up to the game and really brings the world of Marvel's Midnight Suns to life."
Now known as Captain Marvel, Carol wields superhuman strength and can not only fly, but can also achieve interstellar flight under her own power. Her intimate connection to space also allows her to harness and direct vast cosmic energy, working alongside the Avengers to defeat intergalactic enemies. 2ff7e9595c