Organisations are everywhere in different forms, size, internalstructure, tasks, and goals. This course will expose students toimportant theories and conceptual models for analysing andunderstanding organisations with the aim of designing effectivestructures and cultures that allow them to create value, survive,develop and thrive. The course will articulate that employees donot always act in a rational and consistent manner. Our ability -whether as a new employee, a middle manager, or a top levelexecutive - to understand, explain, and predict human behaviour inorganisations is a valuable skill. We will study a wide range oforganisational situations and examples, and connect them toorganisational theories and effective management methods.
Organisations are everywhere in different forms, size, internalstructure, tasks, and goals. This course will expose students toimportant theories and conceptual models for analysing andunderstanding organisations with the aim of designing effectivestructures and cultures that allow them to create value, survive,develop and thrive. The course will articulate that employees donot always act in a rational and consistent manner. Our ability -whether as a new employee, a middle manager, or a top levelexecutive - to understand, explain, and predict human behaviour inorganisations is a valuable skill. We will study a wide range oforganisational situations and examples, and connect them toorganisational theories and effective management methods. We will bridge theory and practice through organisational analysisby exploring a series of successful and unsuccessful examples.Students will learn to apply different theoretical perspectives inour attempt to provide situational analysis and plausiblesolutions. No single model of an effective organisation willbe advocated - no "right answer" that can be applieduniversally; rather, we will explore the factors and conditionswithin and outside an organisation that can be controlled toprovide the best fit with the dynamic environment and therebycreate the greatest opportunity for success. The imperativefor organisational learning, continuous adaptation, and changebased on new developments will be emphasized.
Organisational Behaviour By Stephen Robbins